From Chuck:
Keep your eyes open for a silver sedan with large rims/wheels, cruising through the neighborhood. If you see it, obtain any information about it and its occupants), and relay to me or (if you have everyone in your address book)the network.
Also, scavengers have been going throught the recycle cans. Last Friday on Duran Circle they left a mess on the street. As with the silver sedan, if you see them please get whatever descriptions) you can and call the sheriff. Apparently the county waste collection people are as interested in stopping this as are some of us.
If you e-mail the network, please use "DPM alert" in your messages to avoid any reluctance by the rest of the network to open pertinent emails. Thank you!
The sedan is a Chrysler 300. Male/female couple. They frequent the South end of Watson st on recycle days. I now place my recycle out in the morning. Sedan is silver or pearl white. If I get the chance I will get plates.