Saturday, May 25, 2013


From Chuck:


A disturbing incident occurred last night on Carrisa way.  Some unknown individual(s) set fire to an American flag which had been displayed from a front porch. (Note:  Flag etiquette would suggest flags should be taken down at night unless a spotlight shines on them, and should always be taken down in inclement weather--this also minimizes opportunities for nighttime mischief).  Fortunately the house did not catch on fire.

Probably related, three houses away a neighbor found a rolled up "Carmichael Times" newspaper between their trailer and fence in the driveway that appeared to have been used as a torch because one end was burned.  There's no way to determine if this was the ignition source for the flag, but a connection does seem likely.

This willful disregard for life and property should be reported to the Sheriff's Department.  Note that arson is a serious crime and they might actually try to fingerprint the newspaper.

Lawn Job

A front lawn was vandalized by an irresponsible motorist on the 3700 block of Kings Way.

Chuck's Memorial Day Reminder

This weekend is the traditional kick off to the Summer season, and many of our neighbors will be taking off for the weekend.  If you're leaving, be sure to inform your trusted neighbors, give them contact info and even a key if you're closer acquaintances.  With recent incidents in the neighborhood, there are those looking for opportunities to make themselves more comfortable at your expense.  Also, solicitors may be around, distributing information.  Have your neighbors pick up your newspapers and mail (Monday's a postal holiday, so it's just Saturday) so that any random doorknocker can't tell if occupants are home or not.

Have a fun and safe holiday!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Vehicle Burglary in the Cowan Area

From the Cowan Watch Group:

Vehicle Burglary

Last night my truck was broken into. They took sunglasses, gift cards, my work bags with just paper and packets in them, a fishing down rigger, and soccer stuff. 

If you know anything or see a black US Bank messenger bag or WM Group of Funds messenger bag, please let me know so I can get that paperwork back. I am assuming it has just been thrown in a garbage can, since there is nothing of value to them.

Pushy Salesman

Also received an email from a neighbor today about a very pushy alarm sales rep. He says he is with ADP, but the neighbor was not happy with the way they were questioned and lied too.

Any information on the bags sent to will be forwarded on to the affected person in the Cowan group.  It's doubtful the thief would have bothered to dump the items in our neighborhood, but if you do see them, let's get them back to their rightful owner.  Thanks, neighbors!

Breaking in and entering

At approximately 1:15 AM on May 22 another house with a "For Sale" sign posted was broken into.  The criminal kicked in the back door just like the B&E on Lasuen a few days ago.  An alert neighbor contacted the sheriff's  department, which responded and arrested the intruder.

A resident heard the suspect tell a deputy that they "might as well let him go as what he did was a misdemeanor, and the jail will let him go anyway."

The subject is an early release felon parolee who was released due to overcrowding, and budget issues.
The subject also stated that he was a ward of the county.  (The state of California is pushing the burden of incarceration of inmates to the county level, which the counties don't have the economic resources to handle, either.)
Chuck is going to lobby to the Sheriff's department to post photos and names of those caught in similar circumstances so that the criminals who prey on our neighborhood(s), will be recognized and venture elsewhere.

Note:  The suspect may be correct that he'll be promptly released, but we'd rather have him sheltering in jail than in a home he's broken into in our neighborhood.  Also, when the suspect is a felon parolee, the results of even a misdemeanor arrest may be more serious than for the average criminal.  No matter what the outcome, the suspect is out of our neighborhood for a while at least and might decide to find vacant houses in another if we don't tolerate the B&E's the way he'd like.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Adding the Cowan Watch Group and two burglaries

Often times criminals get away with their activities because people don't know they're happening.  That's why  our watch e-mails and blog exist.  We've been getting news through Chuck about our neighbors in the Cowan area, and now I've asked to be put on that list, too.  So, we'll be seeing more items from our neighbors.  With any luck, what happens there will help us be more prepared, and if they follow us here, they may be more prepared, too.

From the Cowan group administrator:
Two Burglaries

I just was informed of two home break ins yesterday. I do not have all the details but this is what I have:
Two homes on the 3200 block of Brookwood Rd., homes right across from one another based on addresses.
-both home owners were gone and work
-suspects entered through side gate
-they were pros and were after high end items, jewelry, motorcycle, electronics, etc.

IF YOU KNOW OF ANYTHING PLEASE LET US ALL KNOW ASAP (any information provided to will be passed on to the Cowan group administrator on these break-ins.

There have also been some of these in the DPM neighborhood across from us on the Marconi side in between Eastern and Watt.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Emergency Preparedness Fair, June 1st

 photo EPFexsmall.jpg

For a larger and more legible version of this flyer, here's the direct link to photobucket:  Link to the Image

Break in, Cowan Watch Group Report

Break In
A sheriff crime report came through about a burglary on Lasuen, but residents on the block didn't report it.  A message was sent out to the neighbors there asking if anyone was aware of this.  The report indicates that a house for sale with a for sale sign posted had the back door kicked in and the perpetrator took a shower and stayed the night.

The property owner has since taken down the "for sale" sign.

If you have a vacant home near you, you should be aware that there are those that move through the neighborhood looking for opportunities to find shelter or scavenge what they can.  It is yourneighborhood, and your investment.  Be alert and report anything suspicious to the sheriff dept.
emergency number (from a landline)  911
from a cell phone 874-5111
non - emergency 874-5115
From the Cowan Watch Group
Hello Neighbors,

It looks like last weekend a car on the corner of Regent and Brookwood and a trailer on Regent were tagged with spray paint. I do not know if there were any other cars but please let me know if you know anything about it so I can let these two neighbors know.

As for the reckless driver on May 2, she was caught that night. I found out that she had attempted to rob the 7-Eleven here that night too. She attempted to and then she began the reckless driving. 

Reminder, as temperatures increase so does crime. We always see a rise in the hotter months. Please be on the look out and report anything so we are ALL in the loop and aware.

Community Meeting
What:   A Community Meeting to End Homelessness, Save Devastated Neighborhoods,and Provide Health Care for All
When:   Wednesday, May 22  6:30 pm
Where:  St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
Coming together will give us the power to shape public policy. 
600 members of Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together)
will meet with City Council Members and County Supervisors. ACT
leaders will testify about problems facing their communities, present
research done to find answers, and propose solutions to elected
St. Mark’s is located at 2391 St. Mark’s Way, Sacramento CA 95864. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mailbox theft, Vantalism, Hit and Run, Suspicious activity

Recently Chuck has received verbal reports about incidents in the neighborhood.  Unfortunately, he's been busy and doesn't get to send these out to the group as often as he'd like.

You can also e-mail reports to  They will be filtered for content and anonymized if you include any personal details.  

A box of checks was stolen from a mailbox on the 2600 block of Andrade approximately 3 weeks ago.  The crooks used $1,500 worth of checks.  No more details are available at this time.

Vandalism occurred in the 2800 block of Marilona about two weeks ago.  A vehicle parked in a driveway was shot by a bb gun, shattering a side window.
Approximately 2 weeks ago on the 2500 block of Butano at around 5:45 AM, a vehicle parked in a driveway was struck by another vehicle with enough force to push it into the neighbor's yard.  The hit and run driver had hit a steel post cemented into the ground before colliding with the residents car.    No other info available.
Saturday, May 4th at almost 6:00 PM on the 2500 block of Butano a white male adult approximately 35-40 years old and riding a bicycle stopped at a house and repeatedly pounded on the front door.  When the resident responded through the kitchen window, the person stated that he used to live next to the Prichards, and mentioned wild geese.  When the resident convinced the person to leave, the person went to the next door neighbor, and repeated his action.  [Note from Chuck--behavior like this is worthy of a report to the Sheriff's Department.]
In the last couple of weeks Chuck has noticed that a couple of street signs have been run down. The first was a street name post at the East end of Duran Circle, and Kings Way.  The second was a stop sign at the corner of Loreto and Kings Way, which may coincide with an incident in the Cowan neighborhood.