From Chuck:
A disturbing incident occurred last night on Carrisa way. Some unknown individual(s) set fire to an American flag which had been displayed from a front porch. (Note: Flag etiquette would suggest flags should be taken down at night unless a spotlight shines on them, and should always be taken down in inclement weather--this also minimizes opportunities for nighttime mischief). Fortunately the house did not catch on fire.
Probably related, three houses away a neighbor found a rolled up "Carmichael Times" newspaper between their trailer and fence in the driveway that appeared to have been used as a torch because one end was burned. There's no way to determine if this was the ignition source for the flag, but a connection does seem likely.
This willful disregard for life and property should be reported to the Sheriff's Department. Note that arson is a serious crime and they might actually try to fingerprint the newspaper.
Lawn Job
A front lawn was vandalized by an irresponsible motorist on the 3700 block of Kings Way.
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