Saturday, September 12, 2009

DPM 3700 Block Kings Way Attempted Break in SUSPECT CAUGHT!

Hi Chuck! Around 10:30-11:00 on September 9th I heard somebody trying to break in my back door, exact same thing as last time, except this time I saw the man. I called 911 and just by the grace of god there was a unit already at the corner of Watt and El Camino, they arrived in 2 minutes , No one was in our yard but they found the suspect running away from my house down Duran. The police called me up to drive to their location and identify the man, The man they had was indeed the man I saw in my back yard I was sure of this by several distinct items he was wearing including dark hat with white rim, rolled up jeans and white and black shoes. The man they caught is on (probation or parole I forget which they said) and a wrap sheet ,according to the police, a mile long with BURGLARIES. I believe this is the same man that attempted to break in a few weeks ago because he used the exact same tactic. CSI is currently on their way over to take fingerprints and photos, The suspect has been arrested for violation of (probation/parole) and attempted burglary.

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