Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Multiple Incidents from our area and the Cowan watch group

From the Cowan Group, December 9th Burglary:

Unfortunately, our cars and house were broken into last night, 3300 block of  Brookwood Rd, corner of North Edge.  They broke into our cars and accessed the house via the garage door.

Many things were taken, mountain bikes, Christmas gifts, etc.
Our genie garage remote is still out there so if they ditched, and you see it, please let us know.

If anyone heard anything or saw anything please let us know.

The sheriffs are due out this morning.

We are sad for all the loss, but grateful we are safe.

Another great reminder of how high this time of year crimes like this are.

A follow up:

I wanted to give you updates to the string of thefts in our neighborhood.
On Sunday/Monday morning we are now 1 of 3 homes targeted.
Another car on North Edge was hit and a home on Regent.

The couple that I caught in our neighborhood during the heavy rain storm in November, is the same couple that has been seen in the early hours approaching homes and cars.
They are a white male and female in their 40s, skinny, and on bikes.
She wears a red rain parka/jacket and wears the hood up.
He was in sweat pants and wears a black baseball hat.

This couple has now been seen several times still in the neighborhood.
I found out today from a man that walks our neighborhood, that he saw this couple Thanksgiving week on North Edge. He was out walking early and asked them what  they were doing on the side of a home. They quickly then took off on their bikes.

This couple is targeting our homes and cars.
For the past month they are getting items and will continue too.

Please let's keep an eye out for them and help the Sheriffs arrest them.

CSI was able to lift some prints from our car and garage yesterday. I am hoping they get them from this.

From our neighborhood):

Dec 9 auto burglary  2200 block of Ione
A neighbor on the 2200 block of Ione street reports:   Last night my car was broken into. I'm not sure if it was locked. I have a 2008 Toyota highlander. They took apart my steering wheel and took the air bag. They also stole my kids sporting equipment for both soccer and basketball. One of our neighbors has video cameras so they are going to check them when they get home.  I will let you know if anything comes of that. Just wanted to let you know so you can send out a warning. 

November 27th  bicycle theft  3700 block of Duran Circle
I wanted to let you know that yesterday (Wednesday) while [my husband] was home and going in and out if house someone came into our garage and stole my brand new Santa Craig mountain bike.  Our garage was open but he was home and we had our jeep backed up to the garage.
Sometime from December 1st through 6th  license plate theft  2800 block of Marilona
A resident had their rear license plate stolen off of their vehicle.

A note from our crime prevention specialist for the North Division of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department:

I’m receiving a larger number of emails and phone calls about property theft/burglaries this month and last.   This time of year is seemingly high theft season:
If you’re home or off at work or on vacation, make sure that everything is locked up securely.  This includes backyard gates, all doors to your garage, doors from your rear yard to your house and doggy doors when not in use. 
Suspicious people loitering, lingering, wandering around going door to door or up on properties in your neighborhood at night should be reported to dispatch as being suspicious.  Describe their behavior to the dispatcher.  If they have a vehicle, get a  good description of everything and be a good witness.  Call immediately, don’t wait.  874-5115.   Don’t tell them you’re calling the cops or tip them off.  DON”T FOLLOW OR CONFRONT.
If someone knocks or rings your doorbell, talk through the door.  Teach your kids to talk through the door, but not to open it. 
Leave lights on timers on inside your home.  Have timers go off in different parts of your house at different times to mimic that you’re actually home.
If you have a work vehicle or trailer, and it contains tools it is a target if it is parked on your driveway or street.

Work vehicles/trailers containing tools must be parked in an enclosed yard or garage.
In the Arden area we are having multiple reports of trailer hasps being cut with saws and metal around the hasps being sawed to enter and steal high dollar items.  Lots of $150 to $3,000 bikes being stolen. Also many vehicle break-ins and gas thefts and numerous mail thefts in many areas of the county.  Cars and motorcycles and dirt bikes and power tools and hand tools and coins, any and all electronic digital cameras and laptops, phones and  presents in the car or wrapped under the tree, designer goods; eye glasses to shoes, cash, guns, jewelry, alcohol are being stolen.  LOCK UP VALUABLES.   Buy an engraver and put your driver’s license number on expensive tools and bikes.  
Check your mailbox regularly if your mail is coming late in the day.  Don’t leave mail overnight in your box.  Report mail theft to the US Post office or to the Sheriff’s Department.  Report ID theft/ fraud to the Sheriff’s Department.

NEVER mail outgoing mail from your mailbox.  If you see someone taking mail, call emergency line 874-5111.
If you have a vacant house nearby please or know that your neighbor is gone, be alert to unusual lights/activity in the house/garage at night.  Call 9-1-1 if you think that a burglar may be there.    The early cover of darkness and , cold and rain will keep most people inside as soon as they get home.  Its perfect weather for burglars.
When you shop, go store to store or arrive home, take everything out of your vehicle.  Never leave anything including jackets or bags.
Finally,  please go and visit the elderly neighbors down the street.  See if they have their heat on, if they need to take a trip to the grocery store or might need someone to talk to. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Multiple Incidents (Catching up)

October Car Burglaries
We had a car break in October 29th on the 2500 block of Catalina. They left all of the doors and trunk open. (Car doors were left unlocked).  The house down the street on the left hand side close to LaSuen has a car that is parked outside that always has its lights on with somebody in it at 4 or 5 am.  When I head to the gym, the light is on in the car.  [Note, I'm not sure of the significance of the car with its lights on--if this is every morning, it's probably a resident who rises early.]

On the night of October 29-30, there was a car burglary on the 2600 block of
Andrade and another one on the night of October 7th on the 2800 block of Alamitos.
 In both cases the vehicles were left unlocked and the thieves, took what was available to them.

Please remember to file a report with the sheriff dept at this address unless you have an emergency such as a crime in progress--then dial 911.  No matter how small the crime may seem, more reports mean more patrols, which can reduce crime in our neighborhood.

Vandalism, September 17th in the afternoon
On the 2800 block of Avalon a vandal spray painted "Give up, God is here" on the side of a home in red paint.  They also painted what appears to be the Eye of Providence, or eye within a triangle.

 photo P9191946.jpg

From the Cowan Neighborhood Watch Group:
Home Burglary
At 2:50 AM this morning (November 20) I was awoken by a loud metal noise.  I went to go see, and too my surprise it was right next to our home.
There were two people in the pouring rain in bikes on the next door neighbor's driveway. They were at the house for sale on Brookwood with the large white dumpster on it. They told me they were only going through for cans and bottles and were leaving. I did not believe them so I continued to drive out of the driveway and to drive around the block to see where they were headed.

After driving around the block I noticed they were back to the house. I noticed the items they had, a small shop vac, and 3-4 black garbage bags of items. I then called the Sheriff's Dept. They took off on bike. The male is white and wore a baseball cap. He was riding an older silver color 10 speed. The woman is white and was in a red rain parka. They took off towards the school.

The Sheriffs came out around 3:10. I told them what had happened and they said they would look into it.
When I pulled back in the driveway I went and walked on the driveway next door. To my surprise I noticed a gas weed eater on the side of it and the backyard gate was open. I let the responding Sheriffs know. They checked out to make sure the house was secure.
I assumed they took the weed eater from the yard sale items at the end of Regent and Northwood. They went down and spoke with the owners of that home this morning too. This morning I found a very large metal box end wrench on the side of our home (North Edge side) in the street. Yes, that was what they dropped that awoke me.

I let them also know about the homeless tent at the creek and they said they would look into that.

I KNOW that couple will be back to go after more items left out on the driveway at the end of Regent.
PLEASE keep on eye out for them or any others right now.

As we begin the holiday season please look out for our each others homes. Every year stories of home break ins for Christmas gifts are all over the news.

Please call the Sheriffs right away. Please do it yourself and DO NOT assume someone else will.
I am sad to say I think too many people think someone else will.

Here are great phone numbers to save and use:
874-5115 for the Sheriffs Dept Non Emergency
874-5111 for Emergency
Update to this story on November 22nd:
A home was broken into on North Edge.  The home owner is fixing it up and it is vacant now.
There were many items stolen, as in weed eater, pressure washer, and many other items. I am assuming the large wrench that was dropped on the street outside our window that awoke me was from there.

This same women was seen in the neighborhood this evening too around 7 PM.
If the Cowan Group is able to drive these criminals out of their neighborhood, we may be next.  Thanks to the Cowan Group for the communication, and let's stay on the lookout.