Monday, June 29, 2009

Effects of Sacramento Sheriff's Budget cuts to the North Central Division- Arden Arcade

It looks like a neighborhood watch will be more necessary than ever, though there hasn't been much interest in patrol. If you'd like to be involved with patrols, which will be safest in groups, please e-mail

Good afternoon to everybody……

The command staff of the North Central Division has provided us with some very disturbing facts as to how the budget cuts are going to affect the different bureaus, units and divisions of the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department.

As most of you may know, the Board of Supervisor’s only restored 12.5 million to the Sheriff’s Budget, therefore leaving the total deficit to the Sheriff’s Budget at approximately 58 million. The Sheriff has had to take some drastic measures to the way the Sheriff’s Department is able to provide law enforcement services to the citizens of Sacramento County.

At about 3:00 pm Captain Gordon Smith held a meeting with the North Central Division Staff and relayed the following information:

· Approximately 171 deputies being laid off
· Approximately 50 civilian’s being laid off
· 3 Captains, 7 Lieutenants, and 29 Sergeants will be demoted back to their previous rank
· All helicopters have been grounded until further notice
· Captain Gordon Smith, North Central Division Commander is being demoted to previous rank and will no longer command the North Central Division
· Lieutenant Lou Fatur will be moved elsewhere within the Department
· ALL North Central Division Patrol will be removed from the Marconi Station and housed in the Garfield Station, located in Carmichael
· ALL North Central Division Detectives are being removed on July 5 from the Marconi Station and placed under Central Investigations in a separate facility
· The total department detectives will be reduced by half, to approximately 39, this will occur on July 5, 2009
· The North Central Division Crime Prevention Specialist will be relocated to the Garfield Station while serving Arden Arcade and Carmichael
· The current Captain of the Northwest & Northeast Division will be commanding the North Central Division from the Garfield Station
· The North Central Division POP team has been disbanded and permanently eliminated and will be rotated back to patrol and/or corrections on July 5, 2009

Due to the layoffs, the patrol divisions will be reduced from 325 patrol officers to 171 officers. This is very drastic and will result in only 6-7 two man patrol cars patrolling the entire county… per shift. The Carmichael, Fair Oaks and North Highlands Service Centers will be closed sometime in July. There is a possible exception the Marconi Station Service Center will remain open.

It is very unfortunate that this is what our Department has to resort to and we know and understand that these changes will be detrimental to the quality of life in your community and neighborhoods.

I am still planning to hold the North Central Division Community Zone Meetings as follows:
Zone 2&4 July 7, 2009 at 7pm
Zone 1&3 July 14, 2009 at 7pm.

Both meetings will be held at the Marconi Station 2500 Marconi Ave (Fulton & Marconi). I have also attached the flyers for the meetings so you can invite your neighbors, feel free to make copies.

I highly encourage each and every one of you to attend these meetings as it is my goal to keep as much of the community informed as possible. New information, new directives and decisions are being made almost on an hourly basis and it is my guess we will have updated information to report to you at these meetings. Your comments and input are very much appreciated; we look forward to hearing from you.

Please feel free to email me and I will forward your comments to Board of Supervisors. If you are interested in contacting the Board of Supervisors directly you may call Supervisor Susan Peters at 916-874-5471 or email at the following:

Thank you everybody for your time and attention to this very important matter. Should you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at anytime.

Cindy Burdette
Crime Prevention Specialist
Sacramento Sheriff's Department North Central Division

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sheriff's Zone Meeting and City Annexation Information

From Cindy:

I would like to take this time to make you aware of some very drastic cuts taking place in the Sheriff’s department. The NCD POP team has been permanently eliminated along with a large number of our detectives, and patrol has a chance at being reduced by half of what we have now.

Please spread the word as I highly encourage everyone to attend the zone meeting!!

The sheriff dept will host a Zone2 & 4 meeting at 2500 Marconi ave on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 7 PM.

These are very tough times for the Sheriff’s Department in regards to the safety and quality of life in the community. If you are interested you may write a letter and email to me, I will forward it on to the powers that be (Board of Supervisors) and/or you may call the Board of Supervisors directly at 874-5471.

City Annexation information:

Below is an e-mail address and website links from which the interested may obtain information.

Appreciation for our POPS Officer

From John:

To Sheriff McGiness,

This is a short note to let you know what an outstanding job Deputy Duncan Brown is doing in our neighborhood.

Duncan has gotten rid of several chronic problem residences that I am aware of. These problems can range from neighbor disputes, drug dealing, domestic disturbances, serial burglaries, and bad elements hanging out at the neighborhood school.

As you know law enforcement, and public safety is a day to day issue, it never gets fixed permanently.

We recently learned Officer Brown will not be our POPS officer in a few weeks. We all hope his replacement will have the dedication Officer Brown has shown for our community.

Thank you
John S.
Del Paso Manor resident for 20 years
The Marconi Station, and POPS program has made a big difference in our neighborhood safety.

John suggests it might be a good idea to have many residents write in. If you'd like to contact Sheriff McGinness, you may do so at:

Two Girls potentially casing homes in the neighborhood

From Amy:

Two young girls came to my door mid-afternoon today 6/18. They were both high school age, both brunettes, no makeup, both wearing black shirts one with the word SECURITY on the front and she also had two front chipped teeth. I normally never open the door to strangers but my kids were trying to help and answered the door for me. The girls stated that they were with a local organization asking people in the neighborhood about careers. They had no noticeable identification and were over friendly with my kids asking about their age, what they were doing this summer, attempting to pet our dog and I believe they would have walked right into my house if given the chance. They were asking probing questions about what I do, and trying to peak into my house. Only after a few shorts minutes, I told them I couldn't talk and shut the door. One girl was very unhappy with me ending the conversation, she proceeded to roll her eyes and mutter something under her breath. Shortly after shooing them away, I looked for them walking down my street and didn't see them. I definitely feel very uncomfortable with this encounter and feel like they were up to no good. I didn't give them any answers to any personal questions but felt like I was being "cased".

This event happened on Carissa Way.

From Ben:

They came by my house as well, they were selling magazines. I asked them to leave and they were rude to me as well. I was appropriately rude back, with vigor and hurtful intent. Stand strong Del Paso Manor stand strong

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Recycling Scavengers

This post comes a bit out of order--the incidents took place on Friday, June 12th. However, there's good background information for residents.

From Andrew:

Good morning, DPM neighbors. This one's not a huge one, but to keep everyone updated, there were very unkempt recycling rummagers in the neighborhood this morning. The Sheriff's Department was responding last I was updated (I'm presently at work). The rummagers were on Watson Street when my wife called the police, but one other resident closer to DPM school came out to report when deputies arrived on scene, having also called the police.I'm assuming the sheriffs will handle this before my wife returns to the area where she saw them, but if I have any updates on the resolution of the matter, I will send one more e-mail. Thanks, everyone!

From Brenda:

I believe I was the person who also reported these homelesslooking scavangers/looters this morning. I took pictures of them leaving my street and then called Sheriff and then followed this man and woman both on bicycles. I spoke to the sheriff on street and then observed him talking to the looters on El Camino at Avalon. He just said a few words to them..nothing else. So,I wanted to see what they would then do-so I again followed them. The bicycle the man was riding was pulling a large square cart that was loaded with black garbage was over flowing and he had a full sack on the front of the bike.The woman a small petite dirty blonde also had full bags on her bike. I followed them and they ended up at a recycling station in the parking lot at Watt and Arden--beside the Dollar Store.

From Trish:

I have called so many times about the guy in the maroon Taurus. The sheriff never gets here when he is still around.

A Special Note:

Normally this blog, much like the alert list, will not include opinion. Comments to help make things more secure, additions to reports, etc. are very welcome.

On this issue there was some discussion of why we're concerned with the scavengers at all. For those not familiar with the situation, I think it's important to understand why this matters.

1. Undesirables in the neighborhood--If you're at all concerned about your property value and the safety of your family and neighbors, it's important to remember that garbage scroungers are often people on the fringes of society. I'm more concerned about the safety of my 5 year old and my wife than the 5 cents they'll make off the plastic bottle in my recycling. I give as generously as I am able to private charity to help them those in need. While I applaud the initiative of recyclers, they should collect from traditional sources, as has been done for decades (roadside, etc.)

2. Crime--I've hinted at this above. How many people going through your garbage are just trying to survive, and how many are looking to commit identity theft? How many of these people aren't stable, and are willing to commit violence?

3. Your garbage pick up rates--The county, which has been raising garbage and sewer rates, relies on the recycling program for income. Many of the scavengers aren't local. They're taking the revenue that keeps your rates as low as they presently are for personal gain. In short, they're stealing from our community's common pool of resources and removing it from the community.

Another resident also commented, indicating why she's concerned:

From Mary:

I've owned my home in this neighborhood for over 5 years. These supposedly harmless people have tresspassed on my property with their mobility machines often tearing up my landscaping going through my recycle and leaving a huge mess, breaking bottles and leaving the glass everywhere, throwing their cigarette butts all over my property, and leaving whatever garbage they don't want (candy wrappers, etc) anywhere they choose. Guess who has to clean it up?

Three weeks ago I had caught several of them on my property with flashlights, checking out my front porch, etc. even looking in my backyard. I had the police out at 1 am in the morning, not because I take pleasure in doing that, but because having flashlights shine in your windows at 12:30 am is a little scary. When I checked the street they had taken all of the recycle out of everyone's recycle bin and it was all laying everywhere, including bottles that anyone driving can run over and make an even bigger mess. I've found at least two of them checking out the homes during the day to see if someone is home or not so they could steal.

By the way, are you hooked up to the county sheriffs website? We have at least 8 crimes a week within a mile of here, mostly theft. I no longer leave my garage side door open to air out my garage, because I've had them attempt to come in and see what they could take from there as well. Two of them I recognize, because I see them down at Raleys all the time turning in their recycle items that they've "stolen" for money. Usually it's with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths or a bottle of beer or wine in their hands. (interesting how they have money for that)

I worked as a temp for the County for the Dept of Human Assistance for a year. We received over 900 applications a week for benefits from people asking for help. Many were denied for fraudulent reasons, but those that are in need received cash on a daily basis for food, yes that's right, your tax dollars at work, a place to stay, all the free medical they want including drug and alcohol rehabilitation forever or as long as they think they need it, a clothing allowance, and if they need their tattoos,( that they so irresponsibly had done to themselves), removed so they can possibly get a job, oh yes, we pay for that too.I'll be darned if I'm going to let them rummage through my recycle bin, create the mess that they create, tresspass illegally on my property, and collect the recycle for which I'm already paying for through my tax dollars. Not to mention that from a real estate point of view, that is the WORST thing you can let happen in a neighborhood. Try to sell your home when the buyer checks out the crime stats and finds out how many indigents we have running through the neighborhood, or talks to the neighbors to find out that we have a chronic problem, which by the way, we do. Oh by the way, one of them is on the sex offenders list as well, he lives on Marconi, and I've seen him a couple of times. Do you want him in the neighborhood going through your recycled items while children are walking to school?Frankly, I'm of the mind set that we need to clean up this neighborhood, not let it go to those, not less fortunate than us, but ones that choose not to work like rest of us and prefer to just take whatever society will allow them to have.Anyone needing food, clothing, shelter, surgery, and I mean anyone, citizen or not, is eligible to get whatever they need from the DHA. All they have to do is apply. Anyway, that's my feeling on it and I intend to remain aggressive until we clean up this neighborhood.

Commments Sections

Comments are open to the members of DPM. You may discuss any situation with other neighbors - what you have done in an attempt to solve the problem, suggestions on how to mitigate an incident. All comments should, of course, be polite and in keeping with the goal of this blog, which is to keep track of problems in our neighborhood and come up with solutions together as a neighborhood to resolve them. Any defamatory comments or spam postings will be removed. This is not to be used as a forum for businesses to advertise to members.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trouble Near the School

Part of the purpose of this blog is to keep neighbors informed of incidents in our area, expanding upon the excellent e-mailing list started by Chuck.

What does a blog format do? This creates a historical record with times and dates. All neighbors will be able to review past events, without logging into e-mail if they choose not to. It's also easier to maintain than a distribution list.

If we have descriptions of people and vehicles, anyone may peruse them. We can also post photographs if needed. It is our hope this will become a community resource that will help to make things safer for our families.

Today's alert and discussion:

From Michelle:

I don't know if you've heard or witnessed this, but I've noticed a lot of illegal activity at the tennis courts at Del Paso Manor. I have had to chase off (more than once) a group of individuals who have been smoking marijuana at the benches next to the tennis courts. I'm usually with my children so I can't really do much. I call the Sheriff Department and ask them to do a "park check" and drive by the area. It is at all times of the day, but I see them regularly around dusk. I chased them off about 30 minutes ago. The main guy that I see every time is a white male, 22, 5'10", Blond short hair (usually wears a baseball cap), diamond stud in his left ear, baggy clothes, clean shaven and usually wears red. There are a whole lot of red flags for someone who is in law enforcement.

There is another group separate from these smokers who vandalize the nets inside the tennis courts. They sit on the nets and turn the benches upside down. The net has been broken twice in a three month period. I continue to tell them to get off the nets. Next time I go to the school, I am bringing a video camera with me. They are a group of teenagers who are bored. The vandalism is senseless and expensive for the district to replace the nets.

If you can let people know that if they see these two groups of people to call the Sheriff non-emergency number at 874-5115 to report them. I am going to contact the district officer to ask that he write his reports in the parking lot when he can. I've met him before, and he's a nice guy.

Let me know if you've received any other information about this. This may seem pidley, but smoking dope on a school ground where kids are playing isn't cool.

From Claire:

We saw them at the school last night as well. We called the Sheriff arou0nd 8:00 and they said they would send someone out. The man in the white shirt was also urinating on the tree right by the playground in front of families that had children. I am not sure if the Sheriff came out or not.

From Larry:

I wasn't going to bring this incident up but I see from these last two incident reports that perhaps I should. Last Thursday 6/11/09 at approximately 1:45 P.M. my son, my wife and my grandson and daughter were out front on our driveway on Kings Way when suddenly a grey Plymouth breeze came over to the curb at a high rate of speed, east bound, in front of our driveway and pulled a u-turn when two young light-skinned Latino males jumped out and started walking toward Del Paso Manor school.

When my son looked up he said that there was a group of approx. 20 to 25 youths walking up the street towards Watt Ave... Sensing trouble, my son got the baseball bat from his trunk and faced the two from the Plymouth breeze and told them to take it somewhere else. A third male, white, in a pick up truck showed up and confronted my son and said that he was trying to defuse the situation.

They argued for a moment and then he said that he should not have brought out the bat as the other guy (in the Plymouth) "was packing". They continued to linger for just a few minutes and my son had to raise his voice and get in their faces and told them again to move on and take their issue somewhere else. One of the youths, a female, got into the Plymouth and they continued towards Watt Ave. Sounds as though they may be congregating at the school and then coming into the neighborhood.

Future Home of the Del Paso Manor Neighborhood Watch

Hopefully, we can get enough people involved to stop vandalism and crime in the DPM area.